Sunday 27 January 2008

Local Asian Community Events


So I just got back from attending a milestone celebration for my local community.

Now I hadn't been to any of these in effing ages till today. Probably since I did a dance with my cousins when I was like 8.


People my age are very skeptical about going to these events as they're known for being one or more of the following:


1. Boring

2. Poorly organised, with poor use of English throughout

3. The same old sh*t

4. No people your age go so there's no one except little kids, those loser teens who get forced to go by their parents and old people.


So the other week I saw one of the committee leaders while on the train to Brick Lane, he was convinced my view of these kinds of events was out dated and wrong.


So after about 1hr and 45 minutes of arguing with him I gave in and promised an appearance for the celebrations of our local society.


So I woke up today at 1pm after a long Saturday night and already had a bombardment of warning texts on my phone.


They read something like this: Don't bother coming. It's rubbish, I've been here 2 minutes and I'm already bored.


I ignored the texts and was determined to make my own mind up.


I get there about half way through, the committee leader guy was happy I carried out my promise of actually showing up, in the hall it was the usual rush and scramble for seats.


So as I walked in there's the usual woman babbling on about togetherness using very bad English (Please note this woman was born and educated in the UK!), using words like impose instead of improvise etc


The first show was a dance/fashion show medley by some kids I'd never seen before. The effort was good, the product stank of the usual IMPOSITION of the adults limiting creative freedom!


The rest of the dances/plays carried suit.



After a couple of hours of being there, I made my exit. There were still a few more speeches/dances but I'd seen enough.


I feel so sorry for those kids! I guess the comitee is like a lot of organisations where the top level members are set in their ways and have no vision for change.


From this point I'm making it my mission to turn things around!


I'll keep you posted!!

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