Sunday, 21 December 2008

India stop cricket tour...

About the Pakistan tour...
Its politically the right thing to do.

If a country you believe trains terrorists and sends them over to blow up one of your prized cities and then wants to play cricket with you, would you do it?

Sending the players over to such a volatile nation especially at a time like this would be asking for trouble. Imagine if the next headline you read would say "Indian Cricket Team die in Pakistani bomb blasts....Pakistan denies any involvement"

This is about more than cricket and we should stop being selfish just because we want to see the games.

India is still being far too diplomatic, they should have stopped ALL activities with Pakistan as soon as they found out where young Ajmal was from.

This should continue until Pakistani society condemns their army and ISI for sponsoring terror against India and stops the killing of innocent lives. The usual "Pakistan is also a victim" is getting tired. It is their creation and they should do something about it or I predict more than cricket will be taken away from them.

What'll be next India's support for rising Pakistani films, filmstars and singers?

Friday, 5 December 2008

Mumbai attacks, Initial thoughts...

I was born in the UK, I've lived there my whole life. However, I have made many trips to the country closest to my heart, India. I love the UK as it is the country that raised me, but I have a strong(er?) affinity to India as it is my country of origin and the reason my skin is brown!

At the time of the recent 26/11 attacks in Mumbai, I happened to be in India (luckily not in Mumbai). When I woke up out of my comfy and relatively safe bed in Delhi, I saw my dad had his eyes glued to biased news channel NDTV.

As soon as I saw what was going on, I like the rest of the country felt a series of emotions for Mumbai and India.

The first and foremost was the obvious anger. Secondly violation. Thirdly a sense of hopelessness.

Anger: My anger came from the fact that again India had been held helpless to another terrorist threat. After all these times since partition why does the country allow this to happen time and time again? It just seems that whatever the government, terrorism is not taken seriously.

Violation: 10-25 people brought one of the world's largest cities to it's knees. A shopkeeper in Delhi said to me; if 20 terrorists can turn Mumbai to a complete standstill, then 100 terrorists would probably take down the whole of India!

Hopelessness: It's been just over a week since the attacks and the usual lazy and worthless attitude of the government is starting to show again. The results of the state elections will be out soon, Desmukh has gone - people think some action is being taken. Mr. Pranab says "We do not want to take military action against Pakistan, he then gives the list of 20 of India's wanted terrorists - a list which has been sent back and forth godknows how many times. Condelizza Rice came to do what politicians do best, talk and smile. Russia signed a nuclear deal. Things slowly seem to be going back to normal. The same corrupt, lazy individuals are getting away with lining their pockets and doing nothing.

The only way forward now is to unite and do something to show the government India is serious.